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We're here to help!

Whether you are thinking about joining our Cub Scout family, or are already active in our Pack, we know, and expect, that parents will have a lot of questions. Below are some resources and information that will, hopefully, help answer some of them. If you'd like additional assistance, please feel free to contact our Pack Leader, Jared Fisher, who is always willing to help!

Welcome! New Cub Scout Family Brochure - This brochure
 is designed to help new families understand the basics of Cub Scouting. Additional information for new scout families can also be found here.

Welcome! New Pack Committee Member Brochure - Your time volunteering in Cub Scouting will be rewarding and fun, and the information here will help you get off to the right start.

Cub Scout Youth Protection Information - The Boy Scouts of American have established, and implemented, very comprehensive youth protection procedures in order to help keep scouts safe at all times. To learn more, click here.

Scout Closet - Our pack has a bin containing some gently-used, official cub scout u
niform shirts, hats, neckerchiefs, etc. in various sizes. If your son has a need for any of these, please contact our Pack Leader, Jared Fisher, and he'll check to see if we have the right size/type. If you'd like to purchase a brand-new uniform shirt, pants, neckerchief or any accessories, you can visit the Boy Scouts of America shopping website at:

 & Scout Books - In general, every Cub Scout should wear his uniform (called a "Class A" uniform) to all Cub Scouting activities, including den and pack meetings, unit outings, and any activities done with members of the den or pack. When playing sports, going to camp, or participating in other physical activities, our scouts are welcome to wear the Pack 121 green or blue t-shirt (called the "Class B" uniform). These shirts are available for purchase throughout the year on out scout merchandise store, to inquire about or place an order for, a t-shirt. Please contact Also, it isn't necessary that you purchase a scout book for your scout's rank (e.g. Lion, Wolf, Webelo) unless you want to. Den leaders will have the scouts working on badge requirements at den meetings. You can also find badge requirements by searching online.

Pack Meetings - Our Pack (consisting of all the Dens together) meets the third Thursday of every month (September through May) at 6:30 p.m. During the warmer months, the meetings are held at the Commerce Library (on Commerce Road) under the pavilion. During the colder months, the meetings are held inside the Richardson Center on Oakley Park Road in Commerce. See the monthly Pack Newsletter for scheduled meeting dates and locations.

Den Meetings - Each Den's (group of boys in the same grade) leader determines the meeting dates, times and locations. Contact your den leader for specific Den meeting information.

Sign-ups - Whenever our pack has an event, we'll ask parents to sign up for it, listing the number and names of attendees they'll be bringing. We do this so that we can plan accordingly. Sign-ups are usually handled through Sign-Up Genius and are listed in the pack's monthly newsletter, along with a corresponding sign-up link.

Den Achievement Records - You can use to track the attendance and achievements of your child. If you find that a completed achievement is lacking from these records, please report this discrepancy
to Mike Bearer, our Achievement Chairperson at:

Annual Dues - Cub Scout dues are owed once a year and all dues get sent directly to the Boy Scouts of America.We believe that the scouting program should be available to everyone and cost should not be a determining factor. If the payment deadline or price ever poses a problem, please touch base with Brynn
Michelich, our pack Treasurer at: We have some solutions to help support families.

Popcorn Sales - In order for the Pack to earn money to help finance their local activities for the upcoming year, scouts in our Pack are invited to participate in the one large fundraiser held each fall: Popcorn Sales! The proceeds from the sale of p
opcorn (in a variety of flavors) cover all, or most, of the expenses for campouts, the Blue & Gold Banquet, etc. There are a few activities where we ask parents to pay for all, or a portion, of the cost, but we try to keep those costs as low as possible.

The Pack Committee - The Pack Committee oversees Pack 121 and plans all of the events. The committee is made up of Pack 121 parents, and sometimes grandparents, and it usually meets once a month, either in person, or via Zoom. The committee works together to keep our Pack organized and running smoothly. They appoint a Chairman each year. Our new
 Chairman is Jared Fisher. Any parent (or grandparent) who actively participates with their scout is encouraged to either be a part of the Pack Committee, or a volunteer whenever events are held that require volunteers (our monthly Newsletter and emails will alert parents whenever volunteers are needed).

Pack Organization Chart - Wondering how our pack is organized? If so, click here to see our Organization Chart.

Pack Committee Leader: Jared Fisher

Cell Phone: 248-978-5577


Meeting location: 180 E. Commerce Road, Commerce, Michigan 48382

©2022 by Deborah Jean LoCascio. Proudly created with

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